Thursday, March 21, 2013

Installing Flash Player on Backtrack or Kali Linux

By default the browser would give the 'flash-plugin required error' when try to open flash videos on Backtrack or Kali linux. It doesn't take much to fix that though.
Get the latest install_flash_player_....tar.gz from adobe (the tarball)
Then Follow these steps mentioned on backtrack website:
root@bt:~# mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins
root@bt:~# mkdir flash
root@bt:~# mv -f install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz flash/
root@bt:~# cd flash/
root@bt:~/flash# tar xvfz install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz
root@bt:~/flash# cp -f ~/.mozilla/plugins/

Restart your Browser and your flash player should work fine now.


Additional instructions for Kali Linux

1. Simply download the 'install_flash_.....tar.gz' file from the

2. Extract:
#tar -xvzf install_flash_.......tar.gz

3. Move the plugin to '/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/'
#mv /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

Restart your Browser and your flash player should work fine now.